Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You're gonna have to drag me on to the plane out of London!

So of course as soon as I got home last night I met my new roommates who were just awesome....why could that gave happened a week ago!?! We hung out outside just chatting away....they were all American and very well travelled girls. Meeting all these people who make travelling their number one priority and working certain types of jobs or even quitting them just to get out and travel makes me very jealous. While I would love to travel several times a year, my personality would never allow me to do such a thing to my career...I guessiI'll have to find a nice middle ground! so I was planning on taking the tube to the airport this morning since its only £5 plus a small bus fare. I woke up at about 4 in the morning and realized,  crap! I don't think the tube opens that early...of course I couldn't get on the Internet to look it up and decided since I was already up I might as well get ready early since I had no idea what plan B should be. Luckily I made a huge ruckus coming down the stairs and the night watch guy came to see what was going on. He said it would be really tight to make it by tube since it opened at 6 and my flight us at 8:30....my other option was a cab and that was the safer route to take. And lucky me it cost $90 US dollars. Of course it was a really quick trip through security...anyway my first flight was to Toronto and  Air Canada seemed much more comfortable than United plus the food was much better...the flight took an hour and a hakf longer than going to the UK for whatever weird readon. When I got to Canada the US customs was so much more involved than the UK...of course because can't allow people to even bring in sealed bottles of water....annoying....but lucky you Michelle they didn't catch the Twirls, hehehe. I went to buy a sandwich at a small stand in the airport...$12 bucks! Insanity! I made it safely to Philly and from there a very turbulent ride safely home to Orlando. And I'm already missing London :(

So I made a top 10 list of the things that I loved about London/the UK in no particular order. These were just some things that really stuck out:
1 Despite getting lost and having issues with the public transportation,  it really wasnt that bad once you got the hang if, plus everything was really walkable
2 Free museums!
3 Some of the most beautiful churches ever
4 Incredible architecture and many wonderful oarks7
5 The concept of pubs and people drinking all the time like its no big deal but it doesn't make them any crazier than the states
6 The accents...duh...it works for everyone! The little kids and olds sound so cute, the women sound classy,  and the men just sound so sexy lol...I also love their use of words and slang.
7 I love the concept of the royals and how they kept up the tradition for hundreds of years
8 The beautiful countryside
9 How much there is to do...you're never bored.
10 Some of the nicest and friendliest people I've ever met

Pretty much this is the best trip I have taken thus far in my life and I'm glad I stepped outside of my comfort zone and did it on my own. While a couple of times it did get a bit lonely, I did have a blast. I got to do everything on my own time and didn't have to worry about anyone. At no point did I feel concerned for my safety and felt very comfortable roaming around the streets of London.  If anyone has ever debated about doing a solo trip, I say do it! It's a bit intimidating but you will find yourself stronger in the end.  I know I'm a different person from this experience. I also recommend staying in a hostel. The people I have met gave me a different view on life.  If we stay in one place our entire life what are we gaining? Nothing. You become an ignorant American and thus part of the reason why everyone else hates us. To travel is to experience what else this world has to offer. To see all the differences from our everyday life. And to also see what is the same; that many things are universal. I feel much stronger and wiser because of this trip and encourage anyone who has the financial means to do the same. It looks like the next adventure will be to France next year with my sister...until then!

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