Saturday, August 31, 2013

"War, children, its just a shot away, just a shot away!"

Last night I met some people at the open mic night at the hostel- 2 girls from the states and a guy from Brazil. We taught him an American drinking game and he seemed a liitle overwhelmed at first by Circle of Death. One of the girls and myself decided that we would go exploring together the next day which led to us exploring Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens and Kensington Palace.  We got a little lost but that led us to walk through a street with all the ambassadors houses....which were all gorgeous and huge! There was a princess Diana memorial at the palace gate and to this date people still lay flowers there. We decided we would rather go inside Buckingham palace instead of Kensington so we headed over to visit her royal highness. Apparently though we werent good enough to go inside...I.E. they ran out of tickets for the 50th anniversary opening today. Since it seems like its rare that they ever allow people in im definitely going to try to check it out again this week. Sorry Elizabeth, you're going to see me, like it or not. Lunch consisted of pasties which were quite good and we headed to the V & A museum.  Lots of cool things in there though I could have sworn there were some really famous works in there. No matter, still a cool building. At the hostel now and the news are on with a group protesting about Syria...that would have been interesting had i decided to go there today instead of yesterday. It's also extremely strange to hear the British news refer to the US and the amount that they do reference. Tonights plans appear to go pubbin' so cheers til next time!

Friday, August 30, 2013

"Look kids, there's Big Ben, Parliment!"

Well that was the longest, most uncomfortable plane trip ever! I got lucky on my first flight and sat next to this nice older, well travelled couple. And United Airlines made it even better by having The Office as my flight entertainment. Flight number 2....not so great. I got all excited hearing everyone's awesome British accents and who do I have to sit next to? 2 old asian women who barely spoke english. While I did try to sleep the whole trip I think I might have been lucky to sleep a solid hour. Between not being able to be comfortable and the old asian constantly poking me with her elbow, it was a constant waking up from my half sleep. Soooo this could really be my first all nighter and  i still havent gone to sleep yet.

When I got in it was smooth sailing through the airport and the Tube...minus my struggle to get my luggage up the steps.....maybe that handicap elevator was meant for people with luggage too? Well I know now the handicap entrance I got stuck going through the turnstyle and couldnt re-enter.....but the tube worker was very nice, as was man who immediately saw I was lost and helped me find my way to the hostel. Let me say lugging all that luggage is a good workout.

As soon as I got to the hostel, I figured I'd go out and explore some. I took the bus down to Trafalgar Square and on the way drove by Big Ben and Parliment. Luckily we went through the roundabout once.....for those of you who remember European vacation. As soon as I walked to Trafalgar Square I actually staeted tearing up a bit as I was soaking in the scenery. The city is so beautiful and I still cant believe I'm here. I went on a hunt for some fish n' chips. Like my quest in NY for a good deli it was very diffcult to find a good pub. I came across The Porcupine and induldged in some fantastic beer, fish, chips with malt vinegar,  and mushy peas. Sorry dad, those would not have worked out so well flicking out the fan, though they were actually quite good. The bartender was such a nice girl and gave me some places to check out. After that was the National Gallery where my sleepiness started to kick in. After a nice quick sweep of the (free!) Museum I decided to call it a day. After finally finding the bus stop I headed back to the hostel to relax and currently am now. I am sitting at a table outside in the BEAUTIFUL weather with some of Britian finest at my table. The Battersea powerstation is my view right across the river....for those of you Pink Floyd fans that's the building thats on their Animals album cover.  Actually quite a nice view.

After not even 12 hours here I have come across several things: it is an absolutely beautiful city,  the people are so nice that Americans really need to take a page out of the Brits book (maybe straying away from the motherland wasn't such a good idea, eh?), and I could totally see myself living here.I get it now Michelle, I get the whole British and London obsession.

Til tomorrow, cheers!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Anxiously Awaiting

So it's 2 weeks 'til I leave for London and I decided to keep a blog for everyone to follow along with me on my trip. And also for myself so I can remember everything I did. Thanks to my dear sister for the idea.

I have heard many reactions from people when I tell them that I'm going abroad by myself: "how scary", "I could never do that", " you're kidding me", "good for you"...and all I can say is how excited I am! I have never traveled alone nor been overseas so this is going to be a real adventure...hence the phrase "soul searchin"! Nothing like being alone in a foreign country to really learn about yourself.

So I've got the hostel all booked,  found a cool place on the river near Chelsea. Booked a tour to see Stonehenge, Bath and Windsor castle, and have a whole list of places to see. If anyone has some awesome recommendations let me know!

so T-minus 14 days until I can surround myself full of classy folk, awesome accents,  history and architecture that just doesn't match up to anything on this side of the pond.

Until the 29th, chip chip cherrio mates!